immersion lithography
immersion lithography

Immersionlithographyusesthisprincipleandachievesahigherresolvingpowerbyfillingthespacebetweentheprojectionlensandthewaferwithpurified ...,2022年10月26日—Immersionlithographyderivesfromimmersionmicroscopy.Itisanoldtechniquethatdatesbacktothe1840s,...

簡單的光學突破3C 科技瓶頸:浸潤式微影

由林育詩著作·2008—Thus,theimmersiontechniqueisbeingusedinmodernlithographyforthe65-,45-,and32-nmnodes.Keywords:Immersionlithography,Semiconductor ...

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4. Immersion lithography technology supports ...

Immersion lithography uses this principle and achieves a higher resolving power by filling the space between the projection lens and the wafer with purified ...

A Deep Dive into Immersion Lithography Technology

2022年10月26日 — Immersion lithography derives from immersion microscopy. It is an old technique that dates back to the 1840s, when microscoper Giovanni Battista ...

DUV lithography systems

Immersion systems are the workhorses of the industry. Our latest NXT machines have shown the ability to run in excess of 6,000 wafers per day, with an average ...

How immersion lithography saved Moore's Law

2023年8月2日 — Find out how immersion lithography triggered a paradigm shift in chip manufacturing.

Immersion Lithography

由 CA Mack 著作 · 2006 · 被引用 178 次 — Immersion lithography is now in use and is expected to allow lenses to be made with numerical apertures greater than 1.0. Lenses with NAs above 1.2 or 1.3 seem ...


... (Immersion Lithography)技術上的成就,台積電奈米影像技術研究發展副總經理林本堅獲頒今年度的國際電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)西澤潤一獎(Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal) ...

簡單的光學突破3C 科技瓶頸:浸潤式微影

由 林育詩 著作 · 2008 — Thus, the immersion technique is being used in modern lithography for the 65-, 45-, and 32-nm nodes. Key words: Immersion lithography, Semiconductor ...


Immersionlithographyusesthisprincipleandachievesahigherresolvingpowerbyfillingthespacebetweentheprojectionlensandthewaferwithpurified ...,2022年10月26日—Immersionlithographyderivesfromimmersionmicroscopy.Itisanoldtechniquethatdatesbacktothe1840s,whenmicroscoperGiovanniBattista ...,Immersionsystemsaretheworkhorsesoftheindustry.OurlatestNXTmachineshaveshowntheabilitytoruninexcessof6,000wafersper...